Corporate Bank Account in Israel

Almost every active company requires a Bank Account Opening. In Israel, there are only major banks, all of which combine both retails, business and premium services. The Banks are heavily regulated by the central bank, which thus have created a very strong state-level financial system.

Remote Account Opening
Our expert knowledge as well as good relationships with the local Israeli banking system, allow you to open a Bank Account in Israel for your new Israeli company, remotely, i.e. the company's director or representative don't have to come physically to Israel.

Online Banking
All Israeli Banks have a fully featured online banking websites. Through the bank's website you can do many banking actions.

  • see your account's transactions,
  • see debit/credit card's transactions,
  • send or receive payments, both locally and internationally through the "SWIFT" system,
  • read all bank letters, you can issue account confirmation letters,
  • securely write to your account's banker,
  • request a loan and pay it off,
  • order cheques,
  • create "standing orders" for current utility payments such as electricity and water,
  • pay your rent,
  • share online information with your tax advisor or accountant,
  • pay your taxes,

And much more.

Israeli Banks We Work With
We work with the most major banks in Israel, the most highly reputable, the easiest to work with, the cheapest in bank fees, and the banks with most effective communications.

These banks are:

  • Bank Leumi
  • Bank HaPoalim
  • Bank Mizrahi
  • First International Bank

All of them are comfortable and user-friendly, and most importantly, user friendly, like us.

Your new Israeli company's bank account will only be not in the ILS currency, but it will be able to accommodate large array of multi-national currencies.

Ones of the most common foreign currencies are the U.S Dollar, and the European Euro.

However, many more currencies are available, such as the British GBP, the Japanese JPY, the Australian AUD, the Canadian CAD, the Denish DKK, the Norvegian NDK, the Southafrican ZAR, the Swedish SEK, the Swiss CHF, the Jordanian JOD, Emirati AED. In addition, more currencies can be specially added to your account, on demand.

If you have any questions we are avaliable by email:, or you may Contact us now by using the cotact form